Currently I am NOT DOING ANY dog spays as I have one assistant and I need more help for dog spays and large dog neuters. Dog neuters are done on Mondays and Thursdays. CURRENTLY I am only doing dog neuters that are under 75# so they can fit on my surgery table AND be housed in the RV. Check-in is from 8:00 – 9:00, please plan for 10 minutes to fill out paperwork. Our neuters are same-day procedures. Your pet will NEED to be picked up between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. (unless otherwise instructed). Total payment is due at time of check-out. No credit or debit cards accepted.

Pre-Op instructions: No food after midnight, water is OK. So, NO breakfast in the morning. The preanesthetic we give the pets makes them vomit and if they have an empty stomach there is less risk of choking on their vomit. You will receive post op instructions when you pick up your pet.

Dog Neuters range from $175 – $250 and that includes a pain injection.